Monday, May 4, 2009


In the book of mice and men was there a so called secret fraternity amongst the men?

In the story of mice and men the men come together at many times to take care of many tasks from working to killing Lennie. The secret fraternity of the men in this book never have any meetings or anything like that its just more of a common code that they all live by. The code basically relies upon what they all believe is right or just and they will back each other up on that when needed. Such as the time when they came together to find the killer of Curley’s wife, when they came together to run Lennie and George out of weed or when all but the outcast come together to go into town and have fun. The secret fraternity of mice and men is there and will always be there as long as friendship can be made.

Did lennie purposely kill the animals and lady in the story?

Mice, puppies and a lady with very soft hair all died in this story by the hands of one man… Lennie. Many in the story believes he’s so innocent but is that actually the case. I think not because in the story when he describes his reasoning for killing the mice he stated he was petting them and they bit him so he pinched the mouse causing them to die now was death maybe his way of punishment. Or when curly’s wife walks in on Lennie trying to hide the dead puppy he kills her as a way to shut her up when she starts to scream. So maybe this wonderful guy isn’t so innocent and he tried to put things in pain maybe he didn’t try to kill them but he did try to hurt them.

Was curly’s wife a tart?

In the story it talks of her beauty and then the way she stands hunched over in lennie and georges room. The way the author describes her in the bunkhouse and that’s right after she was described as a tart by candy it would seem so as though she is. In reality all she did was get the attention of men whom wouldn’t give a hoot if she looked any other way. When candy says she gives the eye to all these different people maybe its not a flirty eye maybe it’s a lonely one like a kid in timeout watching all the others play and have fun. That’s not a tart a whore or any of that, that’s just a very lonely women

Friday, May 1, 2009

romero essays

What does crooks symbolize in the story?

Crooks is the lonely African American handicap stable buck whose name was just nigger for a short time in the story. Crooks played a very important because he symbolized the African American culture. He dealt with segregation. Crooks also dealt with discrimination. Also crooks achieve many goals throughout his life goals.

Crooks was the only one man representing the lives of millions in his great culture. The stable buck like many of the African American in this book dealt with the unfair years of segregation. He wasn’t even allowed to do the same work as the white workers. Crooks couldn’t even live in the same bunks as the other white workers on the ranch. +

He dealt with many in our culture had many issues because of the color of his skin. Crooks like many such MLK Jr. faced unfair discrimination against was the way the master would beat him when he was angry or the way people like when Smitty picked a fight with poor old crook’s.

Crooks also when looked at in depth represented achievements of our cultures. Such as the right to read books. He owned his own gun which wasn’t allowed in many places at one time. Also crooks was allowed to have conversations with white men he was a black man that had white friends as guest in his house

Crooks the nigger in the book no crooks representing African American culture all over America. The good the bad and the history. Crooks was discriminated against segregates but achieved a lot in his day. He the Martin Luther King of the book.

Monday, April 20, 2009


1. What is your type? I am a ENTP

2. What was the strength of each preference?
took the test a while back
I or E = %
S or N = %
F or T= %
J or P = %

3. What does the Keirsey description call you? ENTP are inventors

3. What does the Butt and Heiss type description call you? Clever professor

4. What are 5 personality traits common to your type? ENTPs love to argue, innovative, problem solvers, optimist, very clever

5. What 3 famous people share your type?
Walt Disney, Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison

6. What are three careers that are good for your type?
politics,public relations and marketing

7. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree because I love to argue, and I find myself to be very clever.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


the new girl in the tenth grade she came to school in her skin tight jeans showing off her beautiful backside then she had on this itty bitty shirt showing off her busty very matured chest and flashing her belly ring. then she walks into class late in the middle of a lesson and the eyes of the male students turn from the board to a broad their jaws drip and the knees quiver their eyes quickly become mesmarized and their minds focusing on the girl instead of the lesson on Frederick Douglass.

Students in high schools are failing at an enormous rate some for uncontrollable reasons, many because they just don't listen to the teachers instructions instead they listen to the words coming out of your daughters. it isn't fully their fault their very young an just puberty and their hormoines or just off the charts and there are plenty of kids in high school that look like their 3 years older then what they are girls developed fast but boys notice it even faster. Should school be coed or all one gender?

"Yo im trying to fuck!" Is what Hassaan Cooper said to a beautiful young lady wearing a pair of pants that showed off her "fat ass" said by Marcel Northcutt. this is what young men talk about at school in the hallways and the classrooms. an example of kids talking of a female student in class are naasir williams and marcus young in class drinking pepsi desribing the assets of a young lady in the school. or the tenth grader across the room texting his girlfriend whose only across the hall and in return failing spanish.

This doesn't go for all students though. there are many students who simple say that this doesn't apply to them because they just aren't attracted to any in our school. such as allee clark who stated its a couple of alright joins (girls) but everybody else is shot (ugly)!

So how will the parents know this is going on. that this is the reason that their child is failing. would they just accept it or move their child to an school where this doesn't exist like a same sex school. maybe that the opposite sex isnt the problem though maybe its just the lack of discipline in many. kids that are disciplined and have controlled their hormoines dont have this problem.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Forty year old virgin, “yeah that movie made me laugh for weeks after it was over”, but did you really understand it. Did you really see that 40 year old man still act only ten years of age? The 40 year old man still very immature and childish in the beginning of this movie. I surely hope that I won’t turn out like that but if I keep denying my maturity there is no other outcome to the story. Childish acts I still have are irresponsibility and my immature. My mom tells me I need to grow up and become fully responsible and mature.

Kids they are immature, lazy and very irresponsible. Kid that’s exactly what you can half of my features I’m the type of guy that that would sit in a car and point a hair dryer at passing cars. The type that would throw pebbles at an old lady just as the kids in the story the marigolds. Irresponsibility is what my mom should’ve named because it seems that that’s exactly what she calls me.

Responsible and maturity are traits of adults and mature young men these traits describe the other half of me. Half of me that tries to stay away from stupid situations and stops kids from having egg wars or stop people from tee peeing houses. I usually take out the trash and try to clean my room before my parents ask. I find ways to obtain things I want without always having to get it from my parents.

Me Leon Wesley Watson the kid who still laughs at people who pass gas. Me Leon Wesley Watson the responsible young men whose friends older siblings talk to as a mature young adult. Well both are Leon Wesley Watson I know I’m supposed 2 act as Lizabeth in the marigolds and go through some kind of life changing event. Why? Maybe I’m fine the way I am this maybe who I am is partly childish and partly mature do I have to choose just one?

40 year old virgin a funny movie. Yes but also slightly similar to me someone that is of age and whose peers want to be mature. Still immature still lazy irresponsible still acting stupidly and still playing with my action figures. I’m in the middle of the movie now I know what everybody wants me to be fully mature but I still like me as I am. Maybe I’m not yet but one day will maybe its just because I haven’t been through enough either way I am who I am and wouldn’t change the childish nor the mature about me im fine the way I am.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Romero Essay

Would you rather eat different parts of a pig or shrimp soufflĂ© and sherry champagne? Well the poem that delayed me long enough to stop talking to my friends for almost 5 minutes surely would prefer shrimp, it goes by the name “High On The Hog”. Julia fields the author of this masterpiece used to recited her poetry at her families church. This poem has several characteristics such as rhyme and repetition. My favorite of the many available has to be meaning, historical and the wonderful vocabulary. In the poem the meaning though very obvious still left the mind lingering after the poem lose ran out of words. The historical context of this poem talks of slavery and segregated times. Vocabulary a key feature in this poem especially with the different vocabulary of the times used in the poem.

First the most important part in this poem, meaning of this poem even though obvious once you’ve read it. From the many times the poet Julia fields phrase “I want high on the hog”. Also the other many statements made giving reason that showed they deserved it in this work of art. Julia tells many hardships of her culture such as lynches and hardships she survived.

Historical context not something used in many poems. Julia uses it numerous times in her poetic masterpiece. Such as when she states fact relevant to the African American community back in the slavery and segregated times. One line she uses this in her poem states ‘…I’ve been…lynched enough slaved enough cried enough died enough”.

Vocabulary a key part of any piece of writing. Vocabulary used in this poem I see as sort of extravagant. Author Julia fields uses words from slave times such as hoe-cake and knock knee’d. She even uses word I actually never heard of before such as monyinhanned. The vocab is all over the place it gives off a sort of randomness.

So what? I chose a poem that was in a African American studies book. So what? I chose a poem I found interesting. Meaning was the first reason I talked about, and I told the reader it was obvious and still deep. Maybe other readers don’t like that in poems. Quality of the history in the poem was the second reason I chose this poem and I just love my history. Will all the readers of this poem like history in their poems or even at all? Vocabulary was the last reason I decided to pick this poem I thought it was random and I liked it for that. Will all other readers of the poem like their vocabulary random? I don’t kno these thing and truth be told I don’t care. I described to you reasons I love this poem and if you don’t to bad for you because I found the right poem for me!

Monday, January 26, 2009


This year for national history day i did a performance. I worked with three other people Malik Cooper, Dominique Gibson, and Brandon Hawkins. i learned NHD is not to be take lightly, because me and my group last year made it 2 states. Also i learned that NHD rules may change in a year. another thing I've learned from NHD was some of the many vicious crimes of Christopher Columbus. like the many times he ordered the death of many native individuals

also this year we have encountered many problems with national history day. such as the many arguments between the group and the many faults of the project. The group could have communicated with each other a Little bit more. we actually finished the script the day before the performance so we weren't equipped with the things needed to perfect our performance. The biggest problem our group had was performing the play which we needed more time to practice with.

there are may things that changed from last years national history day. one thing that changed was the way we did our research last year during NHD we visited more museums and were able to work on it allot more. this year national history day doesn't seem like we put our all into it. it seems like we didn't even try hard to do this project last year we worked hard stayed almost every day after Skell worked on it at home and at tee house of a group member, we were more passionate about our performance last year.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

new thesis statement and introduction

Thesis: Christopher Columbus known as the great discoverer of the Americas whom many call one the greatest navigators of the sea, a man of such greatness he is celebrated every year in America for discovering America. He was neither ,and I don’t believe he deserves his own holiday. He luckily reached the islands on the outskirts of America ,and when he did he found hospitable host who fed his hungry and thirsty crew. The same crew he ordered to enslave these hospitable host and made them search for gold that was rightfully owned by the naive Americans. He wanted the gold for his own benefit.

Introduction:Christopher Columbus took three ships and traveled west across the Atlantic Ocean searching for a new route to Asia but with a crew on the verge of death he luckily found land on the outskirts of America. Where he found the hospitable natives who he called Indians because of his foolish navigating skills he actually believed he was in India. The same natives that fed his hungry crew were the same natives he enslaved. Why is this cruel manipulative man called the discoverer of a land he has never been on in his life or even the discoverer of land that as originally the Indians. Should Christopher Columbus be celebrated?you decide.