Thursday, January 10, 2008

Should Huck Finn Be Taught In Schools

Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in public schools. this book is racist all throughout the story. the dialogue isn't very understandable because they talk exactly how they would in that time. this story has a lot of violence and sexual overtone.
This story is unacceptable it's simply a racist book. students who read this aloud could start tensions if one takes something read offensive. In the story we are reminded of how horrible African Americans were viewed in this story. This story even accused Jim of killing Huck just because they went missing around the same time.
The story has bad language. teachers tell us to read overnight sometimes and if i don't understand the story what's the point of reading by myself. If I am unable to comprehend the story how will I be able to answer questions on the story. Why would i read something I don't understand. The story shouldn't be taught to kids especially. The violence in the story is unacceptable they talk about gangs, killing, and theft. Theres also some sexual overtone in the story. The way they beat on Jim in the story is wrong. I don't think this story should be taught in schools. The story is racist and call African Americans the "n"word multiple times. this puts an extra strain on kids minds because it takes longer to comprehend the story then to read the story. I don't think someone would want their kids to read a story with such violence and racism.

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