Monday, January 26, 2009


This year for national history day i did a performance. I worked with three other people Malik Cooper, Dominique Gibson, and Brandon Hawkins. i learned NHD is not to be take lightly, because me and my group last year made it 2 states. Also i learned that NHD rules may change in a year. another thing I've learned from NHD was some of the many vicious crimes of Christopher Columbus. like the many times he ordered the death of many native individuals

also this year we have encountered many problems with national history day. such as the many arguments between the group and the many faults of the project. The group could have communicated with each other a Little bit more. we actually finished the script the day before the performance so we weren't equipped with the things needed to perfect our performance. The biggest problem our group had was performing the play which we needed more time to practice with.

there are may things that changed from last years national history day. one thing that changed was the way we did our research last year during NHD we visited more museums and were able to work on it allot more. this year national history day doesn't seem like we put our all into it. it seems like we didn't even try hard to do this project last year we worked hard stayed almost every day after Skell worked on it at home and at tee house of a group member, we were more passionate about our performance last year.

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